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S&S Swan General - Best insurers. Local and coastwise
20 December 2023 - 23:30
Join Date: 13 April 2020
Posts: 16

Best insurers. Local and coastwise


I have Bones VIII Swan 47/049 built in 1980.

I am looking for a local (inshore, California) coastwise insurer. Does anyone have reccomendations? Many thanks!

John Green

28 December 2023 - 19:50
Join Date: 15 December 2023
Posts: 5

Hi John,

I too am looking for insurance for our new-to-us 1972 S&S Swan 48. I was able to get liability insurance through Progressive, but they declined to offer comprehensive insurance. They said it was due to the age of the boat. 

I have tried a number of other insurance companies, but many have also declined to offer comprehensive insurance because of other factors. One said it was because we have not had 5 to 10 years of ownership of a boat of a similar size. My partner and I ownes a 22.5-foot Pearson Ensign for 8 years, but that was not good enough. What happens if ownershipe was more than 10 years? ;-)

If you're not a US citizen or if your boat is owned by a non-US company and if it's flagged in a non-US country, you might be able to get insurance through Pantaenius, Germany or another foreign insurance company. A Pantaenius told me that if I were a resident of Delaware, and the boat was not US-flagged, but registered in Delaware, then I could get insurance through them, but it would not cover US waters. 

I'm now working with an insurance broker, but I have little hope of obtaining comprehensive insurance through them.


 Good luck and please let me know if you find a company that will insure your boat.


Robert (Swan 48/13, Galatea)

13 February 2024 - 07:21
Join Date: 29 January 2007
Posts: 1042

Dear Friends,

I am still working with an insurance company to get a dedicated product, it is a difficult problem to be solved. Of course there is Pantaenius, which is a very good insurance company, quite expensive, but they do not cover countries outside Europe.

I'm on this matter, hope sooner or later to get a good solution!

Fair winds,

matteo (47/069 Vanessa)

31 March 2024 - 22:02
Join Date: 25 July 2021
Posts: 6

On east coast and went with

10 April 2024 - 10:55
Join Date: 03 March 2007
Posts: 242

Hi All,


I have been through this maze, insuring our boats is getting more difficult!!!  Some history and maybe to sort out a few things for future thought.  I have done 2 Atlantic crewed circuits with our Swan 40 (2012-13 return delayed to 2015 and 2022-23)  and a mostly singlehanded west to east in 2000. All of these were covered by Pantenious.  When I asked them the last two times if my crew needed certification of any nature the comment was as long as you are on board we are fine. For the singlehanded portion I was covered by them as well. 

OK... Storm Svale is/was Canadian registered until circa 2020 when due to Hurricane damage in the Caribe, Pantenious would no longer insure vessels registered in a country where they did not have offices.  This meant I could no longer have insurance with them. Solution, she was attached to our house insurance plan here in Denmark. Unfortunately, when we decided to the next Atlantic circuit in 2022 our house insurer would not cover her and because she was Canadan registered no agency in Europe would touch us even though I/we have a few sea miles under our keel and have NEVER had a claim. Furthermore, no NA insurer would touch her as she was in Europe.   It  looked like we could never leave the Baltic.  In despiration,  I contacted the Danish Pantenious office. I asked if she could be insured if I registered her in Denmark. The answer was welcome back!!!  Only issue was getting her registered (due to her age it cost nothing) but she also needed a survey.  She in all the time I have owned her as well as when I purchased has never been surveyed except by me.  Good news, the surveyer foumd a suspicious hose from the sink to the though hull.  His comment, great boat I would take her anywhere over the new stuff (enough said). 

 Thats my story.. talk to your Pantenious national rep.  They do cost more but they have a new for old policy which for us is rather appealing.  

Hope this helps!!!

Fair WInds

Mike and Stormsvale

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